Visual Guide for Downloading Adobe Acrobat R DC + Viewing DC
The first step to viewing your documents in Adobe Acrobat DC is making sure you have the software. Luckily, this is available to download for free online!

Click to download and wait a moment while the installer finishes. You'll be asked to confirm the plug-in as a final step.

Now when you open documents downloaded from online, they will open via the Adobe plug-in in your browser!

Prefer to work within the Adobe app itself? Open a new Files (Finder for Mac) window, right click the .pdf document, and select Open With. Simply select Adobe Acrobat from the list and you're done!

Watch a video on viewing downloaded documents HERE!

Click to download and wait a moment while the installer finishes. You'll be asked to confirm the plug-in as a final step.

Now when you open documents downloaded from online, they will open via the Adobe plug-in in your browser!

Prefer to work within the Adobe app itself? Open a new Files (Finder for Mac) window, right click the .pdf document, and select Open With. Simply select Adobe Acrobat from the list and you're done!

Watch a video on viewing downloaded documents HERE!
Updated on: 23/02/2025
Thank you!